Maple's BC Plugin Library
Hi! I'm Maple, and I make plugins for Bondage Club (BC), an adult multiplayer online game by Ben987. My style of writing plugins is "slow and steady", I hope that by avoiding releasing updates and new plugins in intense bursts, I can avoid burnout and maintain the things I create for longer.
I am an Open Source enthusiast, and I hope that the code I write and share here can be useful to others who also enjoy the game and would like to extend help extend it. All of my plugins are licensed under GPL-3.0. This means that you can take my code and use it in your own projects, as long as you share your code publicly if you distribute it, and as long as you use the same license.
The Library
I'd argue a library of one is still a library... right?
Maple's BC Fetish Share
Compare your arousal settings (fetish & activities) with other players and calculate compatibility.
More Coming Soon
I have a few fun ideas for plugins in the works, but they're not ready for release yet. Stay tuned!
Do you have a suggestion for a plugin you'd like to see? Let me know!
Other Plugins I Love
If you've stumbled upon this plugin and don't yet use some of the other great plugins available for Bondage Club, this list is a great starting point! All of these can be enabled easily using FUSAM.
- Little Sera's Club Games (LSCG) by Little Sera
- Wholesome Club Extensions (WCE) by Sidious & Stella
- Bondage Club Extended (BCX) by Jomshir98 & Claudia
- Responsive by SaotomeToyStore & dDeepLb
- Lots more on FUSAM!
The Archive
Old or dev-only plugins that may not be maintained or stable.
A non-maintained modified copy of of ADCS™ Advanced Drone Control System written by Saki Saotome, with minor English-language bug fixes, which I used for a while with someone and then stopped maintaining.
Maple's Boilerplate BC Plugin
A boilerplate plugin for Bondage Club, with a semi-complex example of an empty plugin with some architecture around settings, an authority system, and mod storage. This plugin is not intended for use, but as a reference.